
About Jenny Huang

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So far Jenny Huang has created 93 blog entries.

Essential Tips to Building a Real Marketing Plan in 2024

Do you want to build a real marketing plan in 2024? Read on and find out more about our secret ingredients and essential tips:) We are all made of energy. Energy alignment is about aligning your energy optimally, to be in tuned with your body, mind and spirit. Energy alignment and resilience Energy drives the

Essential Tips to Building a Real Marketing Plan in 20242024-02-20T19:33:01+00:00

2024 Marketing Tips: Prioritizing Energy and Building Resilience

2024 Marketing Tips: Prioritizing Energy and Building Resilience Happy New Year! We’re already into February… No worries, there’s still time to work on your marketing plan for 2024! I’ve just gotten mine done 2 weeks ago. To be honest, beginning of 2024 shook me up a bit, because of the uncertainties and instabilities around us

2024 Marketing Tips: Prioritizing Energy and Building Resilience2024-02-09T15:08:27+00:00

Finding Your Guideposts for an Abundant 2024!

In welcoming a new year, each of us has our own set of process and reflection time to clear our mind, our space, and our energy level to step into a new era. While I aspire to do more, I’ve also reflected in the past year on a simple set of guideposts that has kept

Finding Your Guideposts for an Abundant 2024!2024-01-12T04:34:42+00:00

Top-Ten Commandments Leading Me to a Thriving 2023

I know. This sounds like I am calling for a wrap of the year                     Jenny Huang, Founder & CEO, thriving with confidence! Well, it’s a teaser definitely. I have so much to be grateful for,  and I will be even more grateful for what is

Top-Ten Commandments Leading Me to a Thriving 20232023-12-08T09:08:44+00:00

EdTech Start-Ups Addressing Higher Education and Lifelong Learning

Through my relationship working with the Silicon Valley SBDC at San Jose State, I got connected  with Lydia Chan of San Jose State University’s Global and Professional Education team, on their partnership program with Tec de Monterrey. Tec de Monterrey has an initiative with an accelerator program that supports early-stage EdTech companies in solving challenges

EdTech Start-Ups Addressing Higher Education and Lifelong Learning2023-10-31T15:21:07+00:00

What Does It Mean to Be an Authentic Personal Brand?

Customers Are Craving Connections with Brands at Personal Level Today, consumers in general are skeptic about brands whose messages and actions are not aligned, because some brands speak and market in ways that are not genuine, and might trick consumers into thinking that they are buying a good thing; when in reality, it’s not. Therefore,

What Does It Mean to Be an Authentic Personal Brand?2023-09-18T05:41:35+00:00

NOTHING gives me a fuller heart…

Nothing gives me a fuller heart… …than seeing the outcome of my client’s efforts when she has executed on her vision, her branding and messages, and most importantly, expressed her personal story in a deep and caring way. I took Debbie Drennan on as my private client because I understood the importance of her work,

NOTHING gives me a fuller heart…2023-09-15T23:30:15+00:00

Actionable Takeaways from Berkeley Haas Climate Real Talk

As a board member of the BerkeleyHaas Alumni Network Silicon Valley chapter, I teamed with our colleagues and the Sustainability Alumni Group at BerkeleyHaas in launching our first program addressing climate change and global warming. On June 27, we hosted a panel discussion on “Climate Real Talk,” where we gathered liked-minds from Berkeley Haas’ academia

Actionable Takeaways from Berkeley Haas Climate Real Talk2023-07-18T02:39:26+00:00

Climate Real Talk: Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges of Personal Actions

  Climate change is already here! The devastating aftermath in coastal cities brought by intense rainstorms earlier this year served as a wake-up call for all Californians, and a stark reminder on why the fight against climate change is more important than ever. It’s up to us to rise up, and take personal responsibilities for

Climate Real Talk: Impact, Opportunities, and Challenges of Personal Actions2023-06-27T02:01:19+00:00

Should We Inter-mingle Our Personal Brand with Our Business Brand? I get asked about this question a lot from young companies who are committed to invest in their brands. I often responded with the idea “that people do business with people whom they trust.” The reason that individuals and companies build brands is because we want our people to trust us, our reputation to

Should We Inter-mingle Our Personal Brand with Our Business Brand?2023-06-21T06:56:45+00:00