I Used to Believe…

I used to believe that…

…avoiding conflicts will put me in a safe place and protect me from getting hurt or being criticized


I used to believe that…

…grinding to get things done is the way to feel productive

I used to believe that…

…energy alignment is enough to keep me serving clients and my family at highest levels

I used to believe that…

…being kind and graceful even when my emotions were under attack is a way out of difficult situations.

I used to believe that…

…sacrificing myself to make difficult people happy is a way to show love and respect

Then I started to ask myself questions, on my beliefs and fear that have become my limiters, pushing me further away from feeling free, energized, and respected; being truly impactful and at peace with myself and others. What I saw on the other side changed everything.

Now I know that…

…addressing and resolving conflicts worth solving will liberate me from pains that have caused deep stress in my system.

…getting things done is negotiable and feeling productive doesn’t mean I need to experience burnout to get there.

…energy maintenance and resilience building at a consistent level allow me to handle the ups and downs of my entrepreneurial journey.

…being kind and graceful in difficult situations means I can still stand my grounds and set boundaries to manage expectations.

…filling my cup is the greatest respect and love that I can give myself, and no permission is required from anyone.

I know that by making necessary shifts in my beliefs, feelings, and perspectives, I can make changes that are transformational. Leading me to a more abundant, freeing, and purposeful life.

The post I Used to Believe appeared first on Jenny Huang Marketing, LLC.