In the past 2 months, we’ve implemented a series of Instagram Content Pillars with the goal of shifting user engagement from “Likes” to encourage more engagement in conversations by “Commenting” on our post. We’ve some early learning that we thought would be beneficial to share out. So you can use some of these best practices and try it on your own posts.

Here’s a few tidbits:

  • Video with people and appealing visuals tend to do far better than those with still photo or product shots
  • The “How” posts on how we helped our clients with storytelling did far better in terms of views and “comment” engagement than others that don’t.
  • Putting up an Insta story (within the first 24-hours) right after you post alerts people to pay attention to your new post, and allowing you to find interesting people to follow and increase your network.
  • Following up an Insta story (after 24 hours) with a Highlight of your cover keeps your post in visibility after the first 24-hour.
  • During the first 24-hours, explore individual Instagram posts whose target audiences are similar to yours and “comment” on their posts, or “like” comments of their followers would draw attention from people to visit your new post.
  • Extend your post shelf life after a couple days by reposting it in other social media channels such as Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest as appropriate.

If you follow these basic guidelines, you should get a hang when you create a new post, to get the most out from people viewing it, and also making meaningful conversations that trigger Instagram search engine algorithm to think that you are making valuable connection; therefore, your post would rank higher and be more visible in the public feed.

Hope you’ll find our key learning helpful. Drop us a line if you have additional ideas to share with us and others. We are always here to help!


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