“I have these 3 business ideas in my head for the longest time. Now I have attended your Lean Canvas session, I get clarity in my direction, and realize that I have 3 different businesses that I would like to launch using my skill set, my passion, and the will to be my own boss.” Lean Canvas workshop attendee

“I didn’t know that there is so much depth from a one-pager business plan.”Lean Canvas workshop attendee

“You are amazing! I admire how much you know about launching and marketing a business.”Lean Canvas workshop attendee

People who attended my workshop are full-time employees turned entrepreneurs, and young people who have dreams and want to lead more successful, happier lives. 

What idea do you have that you want to put into action and build a business from it?

A successful idea that has been able to turn into a real profitable business often comes from a good idea, that’s been thoughtfully researched, put onto paper, built into a prototype, tested for product-market fit, gained market traction, and earned first revenues.

A Lean Canvas can help you do just that  — a mini business blueprint that’s the gold standard which many of the businesses that I have worked with turned their dreams into a reality.

I embrace it, believe in it, and hope some of you will adopt it and use it to turn your ideas into a viable business.

Check out our Fall Special! You will get to spend 1:1 time with me, to get your idea baked and your business off the ground. The good part is that it’s 50% off from our full price. Sign up by November 30, 2019, to take advantage of this Special which you can work on in December 2019 or January 2020!

What is one idea that you want to turn into a business in the coming year? I love to work on it with you!