If you are a young company running a shop on your own, without an extended team, you may find it challenging to keep up with sales and marketing adequately so you can grow and acquire more customers. Often times, I get asked by clients: “Where should I focus on our sales and marketing efforts to win and create impact to my bottom-line?” My answer is not “Well, it all depends.” It sounds too cliché. When I think of sales and marketing, here are some common-sense tips that you can consider to help you be better at what you are already doing.

1)      Adopt a positive, embracing mindset. Prepare yourself with the mindset that during early stages of your company, in its first one to three years, you need to wear the sales and marketing hats at all times. More importantly, you need to understand that in every sales transaction, no matter how small or large, it requires some level of relationship building or engagement, whether you cultivate it through using social media or other traditional marketing methods.


2)      Be authentic and know who you are. People want to do business with people that they can relate to. Share business and personal struggles that make you feel real, to show that you can too, help your customers live through their struggles. Think of the type of person and leader that you want to be, project that position in your customers’ minds, and consistently show those attributes that define who you are.


3)      Build your network.  Go to events 2 to 3 times per month to network and also acquire knowledge where you want to be seen as the expert or have passion toward. Talk to people, gain new perspectives and new ideas at times, to keep your creativity alive. Stay connected with people whom you talked to that you like or share similar interests through LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, or other social media channels that they usually hang out, and follow up by sharing your insights, or engage conversations through their social media posts to deepen the relationships.


4)      Earn credibility.  If you are a good writer, write articles or blogs on subject of your authority. Post it on LinkedIn, Facebook, or pitch to local publication’s editorial team who may be interested in your story. Having articles published by a known publication or website can earn great credibility for your company. So you will get to have some bragging rights in your social media channels, your emails to prospects and existing customers.


5)      Get involved in local community.  Actively participating in your local community, blogs, or social media community groups can help you become an advocate for their cause.  People may find your name mentioned in search engine results, in blog or social media posts, and accept your brand as a solid, dependable, and known entity. Find your spot light and don’t try to be the next Uber.


By implementing some of the tips above, you can rest assured that steady sales and marketing keeps you focused, yet it also gives you the flexibility to try out 1 to 2 new sales or marketing ideas once a year to keep your brand fresh and creativity alive. So you can continue to grow and thrive, and take your business to where it needs to be.