Berkeley-Haas Alumni Conference, April 28, 2018

Wow!  It’s always nice to be back on the Berkeley campus! I found the conference always a fun-filled day — a day to be “Students Always.”

Berkeley-Haas Business School

Although I missed Deal Lyon’s Goodbye Speech in the morning, I attended two workshops: 1) Design Thinking, and 2) Negotiation. Both offered practical insights drawing from academic learning applying to real-world situation.

Some highlights from the Design Thinking workshop:

  • Design thinking involves solving problem by looking at both technology and human interaction with technology and its impact.
  • It trains us to think in a non-linear fashion, where problems can be solved in many different ways.
  • Design thinking is suited for products, services, and experiences that involve people.
  • It focuses on the “Customer Journey Map,” that’s crucial in seeing how your product may play out with the various pain points that customers may be experiencing throughout their journey getting from point A to point B.
  • The best part of the Design Thinking workshop was that we got to help Mark Zuckerberg tackled his current problem on social connectedness and data privacy.

Some highlights from Negotiation workshop:

  • Present our value as a package instead of piece by piece
  • A win-win negotiation requires key prep upfront and don’t leave “value” at the table due to a lack of sharing info from both sides
  • Be clear and consistent in your negotiation
  • Know your Best Alternative to a Negotiated Agreement (BATNA) to ensure you get the most value out of any situation

Tidbits from HaasX Talk:

  • Take care of yourself so you can take care of others
  • Always go against the grain if you want to make changes
  • In business, to be successful, it’s always about the people whom you work with, whom you serve, who you mentor, and those who mentor you.
  • When you come to a dead end, think of it not as a wall, but just a steep climb
  • Be a creator of radical transformation and help others rise up so you can rise up too!

I hope you enjoy the highlights that I have captured. Click here to see more Haas Insight! Please give us feedback on what you would like to hear from us!